Canadians Looking for Signs of Extreme Climate Change Should Look Outside - British Meteorological Office
New research published in the Journal of Geophysical Research points to Canada and Russia as the places to find the world’s most extreme temperature changes. UK Met Office scientists examined changes in daily minimum and maximum extreme temperatures across the world, and found that the coldest winter days in Canada and Russia are now up to 4˚Celsius milder than they were in the 1950s.
Read the story:
Met Office, Hadley Centre Press Release:
Abstract from the Journal of Geophysical Research:
New research published in the Journal of Geophysical Research points to Canada and Russia as the places to find the world’s most extreme temperature changes. UK Met Office scientists examined changes in daily minimum and maximum extreme temperatures across the world, and found that the coldest winter days in Canada and Russia are now up to 4˚Celsius milder than they were in the 1950s.
Read the story:
Met Office, Hadley Centre Press Release:
Abstract from the Journal of Geophysical Research:
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