Assignment #2

Your resposne in Question #11 should be compared to that of Question #9 (not #7).

Your response in Question #12 should be compared to that of Question #10 (not #8, as it incorrectly reads).

The link to the Global Plate Motion Calculator can be found here.
When you are entering your values, make sure you enter a negative sign in front of your longitudinal value.

Assignment #2

Completed Worksheets 2 & 3 for Assignment #1

Magnetic Reversals

A number of you were intersted in magnetic reversals in class today. I wanted to supplement our discussion with some more comprehensive material. Click here for a really good question and answer site on the topic. It turns out that the British Geological Survey states that there is no concern for life on Earth when reversals occur. This contradicts earlier findings, but I will go with the BGS!

Assignment #1

To benefit those who check the is a hint for #5 in assignment 1...
you should be thinking about perihelion and aphelion.

To see the coloured maps, scroll down.

January 14-16 weather: Winter Storm Watch Issued

Keep your eye on the weather forecast tonight and into tomorrow morning. We could be having some really bad weather by tomorrow afternoon.
(Scroll down if you are looking for the Assignment 1 maps)

My Photo
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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